Build Your Clinical Library and Support World Spine Care with These Suggested Textbooks
TeaAndOranges, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
For healthcare professionals to provide the highest quality spine care to their patients, they must stay up-to-date and informed on the latest advancements in musculoskeletal medicine. An informed and knowledgeable professional provides a foundation for delivering high quality spine care.
World Spine Care founder and president Scott Haldeman has said, “I don't think you're capable of offering care to patients if you're not reading the latest research two to five hours a week. This is a rapidly changing field, and what we perceive today will probably change in five years.”
“I don’t think you’re capable of offering care to patients if you’re not reading the latest research two to five hours a week.”
While reading peer-reviewed journal articles is one way to stay informed, the volume and complexity of information can be challenging for many to keep up with. Textbooks offer a condensed compilation of recent research, making for more efficient reading on providing high-value care for spinal pain and disorders. With these resources at your fingertips, you can ensure that you're providing high-value care for patients with pain and disorders in this area.
World Spine Care clinicians, volunteers, and researchers came together to share their knowledge with the healthcare community. They've offered up a selection of must-read books for chiropractors, physiotherapists, doctors of osteopathy, or medical doctors who want to expand their expertise in caring for people suffering from low back and neck pain.
These books will help you expand your knowledge and expertise in caring for the people who need your care and skill the most. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting out in your career, add one (or all!) of these books to your clinical library today.
Amazon recently announced that they are closing AmazonSmile on February 20, 2023. Until then, you can support World Spine Care by shopping at or and selecting World Spine Care as your charity of choice.
Suggested Clinical Textbooks
World Spine Care does not endorse or promote any products. The titles listed are offered as suggestions only.
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The authors indicated with an asterisk(*) are affiliated with World Spine Care. They may receive author royalties from the purchase of their textbooks.