
Adding to the body of knowledge of spine care is a core value of World Spine Care.



 Research Committee

The World Spine Care (WSC) research committee is comprised of research scientists and clinicians from eight different countries. The team is led by co-chairs Margareta Nordin and Eric Hurwitz. Its full-time members include Francesca Wuytack (secretary), Pierre Côté, Stefan Eberspaecher, Scott Haldeman, Jan Hartvigsen, Deborah Kopansky-Giles, Geoff Outerbridge, Steven Passmore, Vincent Setlhare, and Patricia Tavares with ad hoc members Afua Adjei–kwayisi, Stephen Laski, and Jean Moss.

The research committee is responsible for:

  • overseeing WSC’s research agenda and moving the research program forward,

  • attracting graduate students and researchers who are interested in developing research projects for, with or about WSC in collaboration with the committee;

  • identifying potential funding sources and opportunities,

  • disseminating its research findings (through publication and presentation), and supporting research partners including supervision of student researchers.

The research committee also works closely with the WSC clinical team to coordinate and advise WSC clinical operations and documentation and to facilitate the development of clinically relevant research questions.

The research committee includes a healthy mixture of researchers and clinicians from diverse disciplines including chiropractic, epidemiology, medicine, primary care, physical therapy, qualitative health sciences, and public health. The WSC research committee members are not compensated monetarily by WSC for their work. Committee members are assigned for a period of three years with the possibility of volunteering for an additional three years. Although the committee has limited its membership to 12, the research committee welcomes researchers and clinicians with special interests serving underserved populations around the world.

Individuals interested in joining the research committee must first participate in a WSC research or clinical project. The research committee will review the applicant’s curriculum vitae (CV) and letter of interest. After review, final approval is made by the research committee at large. A committee member must be active to remain on the committee (i.e. participate in committee meetings and assigned activities).

 Global Spine Care Initiative

The Global Spine Care Initiative (GSCI) was created by World Spine Care to reduce the global burden of disease and disability by bringing together leading healthcare providers, scientists, specialists, government agencies, and other stakeholders to transform the delivery of spine care.


Interested in Getting Involved?

Institutions or individuals interested in working with the WSC research committee or performing research at a WSC clinical site are invited to contact one of the committee co-chairs. A teleconference will then be scheduled so the researcher can present their idea. If the idea is deemed feasible, the researcher will be invited to present their research project before the research committee at one of their monthly meetings. If the proposed project is for a degree-granting program (e.g. Master’s, PhD) or affiliated with an educational institution or health care organization, WSC will request proof of university Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethics Committee approval before full approval by the WSC research committee. Independent researchers without institutional affiliation are also asked to furnish an approval letter from an independent IRB/Ethics Committee. If the WSC research committee approves the formal protocol, the committee will provide organizational support and information.

Please note: no financial support is available from WSC.