Building a Strong Partnership: World Spine Care and the Spanish Chiropractic Association (Asociación Española de Quiropráctica) Work Together for Spine Care

The Board of Directors, volunteers, and staff of World Spine Care wishes to recognize the Spanish Chiropractic Association (Associación Española de Quiropráctica - AEQ) for its ongoing generous support of World Spine Care and its mission to improve lives in underserved communities through sustainable, integrated, evidence-based spine care.  spine

Initiated one year ago in June 2018, the World Spine Care and AEQ partnership is based on a shared commitment to supporting the evidence-based, integrated, and sustainable management of spinal conditions around the world. One of AEQ’s main objectives is to raise awareness on the burden of spinal-related disorders, and the impact that these have on general health and quality of life.  World Spine Care and AEQ remain dedicated to continuing to do this while ensuring that we are continuing to work towards a world in which everyone has access to the highest quality spine care possible. To learn more about AEQ, please click here.

View a complete list of Our Partners here.

Nathan Cashion, DC

Nathan Cashion is the Director of Digital Communications. He started volunteering with World Spine Care as a social media coordinator during chiropractic school. He traveled to Navi Mumbai, India, with the clinical team to establish the MGM Collaboration project.

He is the father of 2 active boys and resides in Oregon City, Oregon, USA.


Focus on WSC Research Committee


European Spine Ride 2019