Building World Spine Care’s Work-a-Day Campaign: Meet Dr. Mark Perrett
World Spine Care’s Work-a Day for World Spine Care will launch on October 13, 2019, in advance of World Spine Day on October 16th. In advance of this year’s campaign, World Spine Care sat down with the creator of the campaign, Dr. Mark Perrett.
WSC: Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts on the campaign. How did you come up with the idea for Work-a-Day campaign in the first place?
Dr. Perrett: There wasn't a direct stimulus that prompted me to come up with the Work-a-Day idea but when I decided on the idea it was based on a few ideals:
Dr. Mark Perrett handing Dr. Scott Haldeman a cheque for the money he raised while "Working a Day for World Spine Care".
I wanted to create something that would raise awareness of the impact that World Spine Care clinics have on individuals suffering from spinal disorders. We are not only helping people with their pain but also helping them survive. Many of these patients can't work because of their spinal disorders. It was a great link to have a practitioner donate a portion of a day's worth of work to help another individual in need of spine care.
I wanted to help support World Spine Care by developing a fundraising program that would have a real impact. Any donation amount is helpful, but in order for the organization to be able to count on sustainable, long-term support to allow for strategic business planning, larger, long-term commitments are really meaningful.
Ultimately, I liked the idea because to me it feels like the spine care community has an opportunity to reach a helping hand beyond our clinics to people that desperately need care.
WSC. Well, it is wonderful, and we appreciate it! How has the campaign changed since you first came up with the concept?
The program hasn't changed much until this year. We really want to build on this idea and expand our reach beyond those who have already participated in the past.
Ideally, we would like Work-a-Day to be a campaign that all spine care practitioners choose to support all over the world. It is now growing and is supported more, and we want to continue to add tools and resources that will allow everyone to participate.
WSC: What are you hoping to see from this year's campaign?
I would like to obviously see more awareness and raising of funds - but more importantly the dissemination of information to practitioners of what World Spine Care is doing in their clinics and to start some momentum around that. Ideally, we want to introduce spine care providers to World Spine Care so that they understand the importance and impact of this organization. I know that if people knew what the organization was doing, it would be a cause that they would be very passionate about.
Learn More and Join Us – Work-a-Day for World Spine Care
To sign up to become an Ambassador for this year’s work-a-Day program, click here.
Click here to download our Work-a-Day tool kit. Or, if you’d like to learn more, email Executive Director, Stefanie Ince.