Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College renews support for World Spine Care

The Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College has been a long-time supporter of World Spine Care.

World Spine Care (WSC) is celebrating its 10th Anniversary in 2018 and would not be at this wonderful crossroad if it wasn’t for the support we received from many individuals and organisations. One of our major sponsors has been the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC), which has been there since day one. It has provided over $100,000 in financial support in addition to providing a scholarship for a student from Botswana among other gifts in kind.

A recent letter from CMCC President Dr. David Wickes re-affirms its support with an additional gift. In reply, Dr. Jean Moss, President of World Spine Care Canada, said, " The support of CMCC has made a significant difference WSC’s ability to meet the needs of its programs and expand into new areas."

It is fitting that during its 10th Anniversary WSC will share another celebration with CMCC in the graduation of the first student from Botswana who attended CMCC on a full scholarship offered by CMCC. One of WSC’s values has been sustainability, which has been achieved by offering educational opportunities to local people. In 2018 CMCC’s new graduate will join a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic who has already returned to Botswana. Both of these young chiropractors will be working in the WSC clinics and assisting as the Government of Botswana moves the program across the country. Preceding these two chiropractors is an orthopedic surgeon who through a WSC program attained his Fellowship in Advanced Spinal Surgery from an internationally renowned centre in Turkey.

Dr. Scott Haldeman, Founder and President of World Spine Care remarked, "Thank you to CMCC. Its support has been intrinsic to the development of WSC and is helping to change the manner in which spine care is delivered worldwide. An additional benefit is an increase in opportunities for young and old chiropractors to serve the most vulnerable in this world."

World Spine Care is fortunate to have the support from multiple institutions and partners, including CMCC. These organizations provide financial support, professional endorsements, and collaborate on important research projects.

Nathan Cashion, DC

Nathan Cashion is the Director of Digital Communications. He started volunteering with World Spine Care as a social media coordinator during chiropractic school. He traveled to Navi Mumbai, India, with the clinical team to establish the MGM Collaboration project.

He is the father of 2 active boys and resides in Oregon City, Oregon, USA.


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World Spine Care to participate at EUROSPINE 2018 in Vienna