Create a Facebook Fundraiser for your next birthday
Facebook recently introduced a new feature that lets you easily launch a fundraising campaign to raise money and awareness for the causes you care most about. Ask for donations in lieu of presents for your birthday, or use a fundraiser to bring your clinic community together for a special event or at any time.
As excited as we are? Great, here’s how you can get started:
Find the Fundraisers tab in your Facebook navigation bar to create a Facebook fundraiser
Click + Create Fundraiser in the left menu of your News Feed
Search for World Spine Care, then choose a cover photo and fill in the fundraiser details
Click Create
You can also create a fundraiser from the World Spine Care Facebook Page.
Note: All fundraisers are public, so anyone on or off of Facebook can see them.
We know asking for money can feel daunting, but being an evangelist for a cause is more than fundraising. It’s a way to stand up for a cause and ask people to join the movement. Here are a few tips that will help guide your successful fundraiser launch:
Be you - The story is the heart of a fundraiser. People connect to people, so don’t be afraid to share your compassion for a cause. Authenticity is key.
Be specific - What is this cause? Who is the organization? Why should people care? What is the money going towards?
Be transparent - Communicate with updates on the progress, money raised, and any incoming information from the nonprofit.
Be proactive - Don’t just launch and leave it. Be sure to stay on top of it.
Be creative - Feel inspired to post videos, share infographics, photos, countdowns, interviews, your ideas are endless! Sharing updates and posts from the World Spine Care Facebook page are a great place to start.
Recent Successes
In recent months, several of our Facebook fans have successfully raised funds for World Spine Care using their personal Facebook pages. Dr. Errol Silva, a chiropractor at Annapolis Pain Management, decided to use the Facebook tool for his birthday in June.
"Being a chiropractor and knowing the burden spinal pain has on society globally, I figured for once people should gain some awareness and if possible donate," he explained. "Just wanted to do my part and Facebook makes it really simple."
Dr. Nathan Cashion created a Facebook fundraiser for his recent birthday.
Dr. Nathan Cashion, World Spine Care director of communications and previous volunteer for the India Project, also created a birthday fundraiser this past June. He shared photos from his trip to Navi Mumbai in November 2016, as well as recent posts from the World Spine Care Facebook page. Within a few days, his family and friends had donated over $200 dollars. By the end of his birthday month, total donations came to $368, well above his goal of $250.
Digital tools such as social media make supporting causes like World Spine Care easier than ever. Learn more about how you can create fundraisers, donate and encourage friends to donate on Facebook by visiting this help article on Facebook.
With just a little bit of effort, we can continue to make our vision of creating a world in which everyone has access to the highest quality spine care possible.