Global Spine Care Initiative paper included in the top 17 cited articles in global neurosurgery

A newly published article in the journal World Neurosurgery revealed the most cited articles in global neurosurgery.1  Included in the top 17 list is a paper that was led by Drs. Bart Green, Claire Johnson, and Scott Haldeman for the Global Spine Care Initiative.2

The purpose of the bibliographic analysis was to identify growing trends in neurosurgery. Of the 932 articles that the authors identified in their search, they selected the top 17 articles with the most citations. In their review, they highlighted 3 common characteristics of these top papers, which included capacity (e.g., workforce capacity), disease treatment, and volunteerism.

Niquen-Jimenez et al. noted that the paper by Green et al. included author representation from low- and middle-income countries and addressed various spine conditions. In their conclusions the authors state about their study, “This review highlights the progress that has been made within global neurosurgery with the relative increase in the number of citations and identifying barriers that exist within the field.”

Dr. Green stated, “We are thrilled that our Global Spine Care Initiative study was included in this bibliographic analysis and that our research is helping to further advance the science of spine care.”  The paper included in the top 17 list is titled “The Global Spine Care Initiative: public health and prevention interventions for common spine disorders in low-and middle-income communities” and was based on an earlier study on biopsychosocial risk factors and co-morbidities for common spinal disorders.3 These studies are part of the work that World Spine Care has been advancing through the Global Spine Care Initiative and other research.


  1. Niquen-Jimenez M, Wishart D, Garcia RM, Shlobin NA, Steinle J, Weiss H, Reynolds RA, Lam S, Rosseau G. A Bibliographic Analysis of the Most Cited Articles in Global Neurosurgery. World Neurosurgery. 2020 Aug 21. ↩︎

  2. Green BN, Johnson CD, Haldeman S, Kane EJ, Clay MB, Griffith EA, Castellote JM, Smuck M, Rajasekaran S, Hurwitz EL, Nordin M. The Global Spine Care Initiative: public health and prevention interventions for common spine disorders in low-and middle-income communities. European Spine Journal. 2018 Sep 1;27(6):838-50. ↩︎

  3. Green BN, Johnson CD, Haldeman S, Griffith E, Clay MB, Kane EJ, Castellote JM, Rajasekaran S, Smuck M, Hurwitz EL, Randhawa K. A scoping review of biopsychosocial risk factors and co-morbidities for common spinal disorders. PloS one. 2018 Jun 1;13(6):e0197987 ↩︎

Nathan Cashion, DC

Nathan Cashion is the Director of Digital Communications. He started volunteering with World Spine Care as a social media coordinator during chiropractic school. He traveled to Navi Mumbai, India, with the clinical team to establish the MGM Collaboration project.

He is the father of 2 active boys and resides in Oregon City, Oregon, USA.


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