One Doctor's Success with World Spine Care’s ‘Work-a-Day’ Campaign
October 16, 2019 marks ‘World Spine Day’; a day that isdedicated to raising awareness of the importance of spine care globally. In celebration of World Spine Day, WorldSpine Care launched our Work-A-Day for World Spine Care campaign, to provide anopportunity for clinicians to extend the reach of their healing hands beyondtheir practice and community with minimal cost and effort.
Dr. Hans Teschl celebrated the 25th anniversary of his clinic, Barrie South Chiropractic, by taking the Work-A-Day challenge.
Contributions to World Spine Care help further the work to provide quality, evidence-based spine care in under served areas. Currently, six clinics are actively running in four different countries. Many chiropractors have answered the call participate in the challenge: After an inspiring trip to Africa, Dr. Hans Teschl of Ontario, Canada, decided he wanted to do more to put his skills to work for those in need.
“After seeing the potential and need for Chiropracticservices in the rural regions of Tanzania and Kenya, upon my return Iimmediately went online to start researching how I would be able to participatein providing spine care services in under served regions. When I came across the World Spine Care website, I wasamazed that I had not been more acutely aware of the organization as of thatpoint, considering it was already 10 years in existence.”
Dr. Teschl reached out to World Spine Care to inquire how hecould take action. Since returning to Africa as to volunteer in a World SpineCare clinic was not an immediate option, he decided to take part in the Work-a-Daycampaign. “This year marks my 25th year in practice. I […] figured thatincorporating the anniversary with an awareness and fundraiser event was aperfect opportunity to celebrate what I’ve accomplished and give back at thesame time.” At the end of an otherwise routine day of practicing chiropractic,Dr. Teschl and his patients were able to contribute a generous donation toWorld Spine Care.
If you would like to participate in this year's Work-A-Daycampaign on October 16th, visit for moreinformation about how you can get involved.