World Spine Care Celebrates World Spine Day – October 16
World Spine Care is a global charity on a mission to improve lives in under-served communities. Its mission is to improve lives in underserved communities through sustainable, integrated, evidence-based, spine care.
A volunteer clinician leads local patients in the Straighten Up program outside of a World Spine Care clinic in Shoshong, Botswana.
Why is this so important?
More than a billion people in the world today experience spine-related disabilities.
The greatest burden of disability worldwide is attributed to neck and back pain combined.
It disproportionately affects women, the elderly, rural communities and lower-income countries
Spinal pain contributes more to the global burden of disease (including death and disability) than: HIV, diabetes, malaria, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, breast and lung cancer combined, traffic injuries, and lower respiratory infections.
World Spine Day
Taking place on October 16 eachyear, World Spine Day has become a focus in raising awareness of back pain andother spinal issues. World Spine Day highlights the importance ofspinal health and wellbeing.
The theme for thisyear’s World Spine Day is “Get Spine Active” (#getspineactive). We’ve oftenheard the phrase ‘movement is medicine’ and keeping your spine mobile whilestaying active helps to maintain flexibility and prevent back pain. With over60 joints in your spine, it’s important that they function properly so thespine can keep you upright while protecting your spinal cord and nerves.
As we get older, we allsuffer from wear and tear changes, so are subject to aches and pains from timeto time. But this doesn’t mean you need to stop moving – it means quite theopposite! Doing daily exercise and movements to keep your spine functioningproperly may help to prevent joints from getting creaky and painful.Additionally, we offer alternatives, for many walks of life.
This World Spine Day, make sure you #getspineactive. Look out for activities being organised near you or visit to find out how to organize one of your own!
Organized by the World Federation of Chiropractic on behalf of the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health, World Spine Day has over 500 official organizational supporters worldwide.
More information about how to get involved is available at, on Twitter (@world_spine_day), Instagram (@worldspineday), and Facebook.