News from World Spine Care

Focus on WSC Research Committee
World Spine Care’s research committee is responsible for overseeing our research agenda, moving the research program forward. Read on for a one-on-one interview with Eric about the importance of research in meeting World Spine Care’s mission.

World Spine Care Accomplishments in 2018: Here’s What You Helped Us Do
As the year draws to a close and we head into 2019, the Board of Directors of World Spine Care thank you for your incredible support. Here are just a few things that World Spine Care has accomplished this year, thanks to the support of individuals like you.

Global Spine Care Initiative project published in European Spine Journal
The Global Spine Care Initiative has culminated in the publication of 15 articles in an upcoming focus issue of the European Spine Journal.

The Third World Spine Care Botswana Spine Care Conference
On May 7 and May 8, 2018 World Spine Care, in cooperation with the Botswana Ministry of Health organized the Third World Spine Care Conference at the Gaborone International Convention Center in Botswana. It is reported to have been the largest health care or medical conference to be held in the country of Botswana and demonstrates the impact that the World Spine Care program has had in this country.

GSCI Continues To Promote Evidence-Based, Sustainable Spine Care
Spinal pain is a primary cause of disability worldwide that affects approximately 1 billion people, yet no developmental help is available to reduce this burden.
World Spine Care convened the Global Spine Initiative to develop an evidence-informed, practical, and sustainable, spine health care model for communities around the world with various levels of resources.
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