
Join the World Spine Care Team

Become a Volunteer Associate and provide hands-on care to people in need.




Volunteer Associate

World Spine Care is looking for qualified applicants for the role of Volunteer Associate clinician.

We are continuously recruiting for Botswana and the Dominican Republic. If you are interested in applying for a position, please review the qualifications and send in your application as per the instructions below.




Volunteer Associates are responsible for:

  • Volunteer associates will follow the defined evidence-based protocols established by the WSC clinical team.

  • Volunteer Associates will work under the supervision of the Clinic Supervisor.

  • Volunteer associates must be licensed clinicians who are registered to practice with advanced training in spine care.

  • Volunteer Associate Clinicians would be responsible for:

    • Travel expenses to and from the site of the clinic;

    • Food and accommodation expenses while on-site;

    • Raising at least $500 for WSC in advance of your departure (we would be happy to help you and provide guidance on how best to do this).

Want to Learn More?

Send your questions to team of Volunteer Coordinators.

Ready to Apply?

Send a letter of intent and your curriculum vitae to our Volunteer Coordinators.


Why volunteer with World Spine Care?

Previous clinical volunteers share why they chose to volunteer, their most memorable experiences, and advice for anyone thinking about spending time in a World Spine Care clinic.