Thank you, Barrie Risman, co-creator of the Yoga Project

by Erin Moon, director and co-creator of the World Spine Care Yoga Project

I remain truly enthusiastic and excited about the importance of the mission and accomplishments of the Yoga Project and the possibilities this model of adaptive yoga holds for the future.
— Barrie Risman, World Spine Care Yoga Project co-creator

It is with deep gratitude that we announce Barrie Risman co-director and co-creator of the World Spine Care Yoga Project will be stepping down from her role as co-director.

Barrie Risman and Erin Moon, co-creators of the World Spine Care Yoga Project

We cannot thank her enough for her service, care, and creativity over the years and though we are sad that she is moving forward we are thrilled that it is due to the great success of her book, Evolving Your Yoga, as well as the expansion of her offerings as a senior teacher in the Yoga world at large.

Thank you deeply, Barrie, for all your contribution and creation over the years!

Here are just a very few of Barrie's contributions over the years:

A Message from Barrie:

I remain truly enthusiastic and excited about the importance of the mission and accomplishments of the Yoga Project and the possibilities this model of adaptive yoga holds for the future. However, the reality is that with the success of my book promotion and the increased demand for my in-person teaching that has brought, as well as my growing online membership and family responsibilities, it’s no longer feasible for me to contribute my time, energy, and expertise to this work.

Please know that the opportunity to create and implement the Yoga Project has been a true highlight of my teaching career. I thank you all for this opportunity, and for the great work you are doing around the world. I wish you continued success!


Barrie Risman

E-RYT 500

Co-creator, World Spine Care Yoga Project

Follow Barrie Risman Yoga on Facebook or visit her website at

Get Barrie's book, Evolve Your Yoga, and support World Spine Care by shopping at AmazonSmile.

Erin Moon

Eris is the co-creator and former director of the World Spine Care Yoga Project.

She is a Certified Yoga Therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapists has her Reiki 2, Thai Massage level 1, and 50hr Yin Yoga and Meridians. Erin also holds a 200hr Certification in Applied Positive Psychology from The Flourishing Center.


The Power of Yoga


The World Spine Care Yoga Project: A Brief History and The Future of the Project - Part 1