Building Community in Botswana
Nathan Cashion, DC Nathan Cashion, DC

Building Community in Botswana

Since opening the newest World Spine Care clinic in Botswana six months ago, Dr. Mufudzi Chihambakwe has been busy building a community around spine care. As clinical coordinator for the BH3 Clinic, Mufudzi has brought patients and community members together for physical activity and education–including a hilltop yoga session for World Spine Day.

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Local Heros - Meet Kabelo Sebati, Lead Yoga Teacher in Botswana
Botswana, Education, Sustainable, Yoga Project, Volunteer Nathan Cashion, DC Botswana, Education, Sustainable, Yoga Project, Volunteer Nathan Cashion, DC

Local Heros - Meet Kabelo Sebati, Lead Yoga Teacher in Botswana

Kabelo has been an invaluable supporter of World Spine Care’s Yoga Project in Botswana. He has assisted the Yoga Project with real-time translation and cultural learning, and he has helped to keep up the enthusiasm for the Yoga Project in the region.

World Spine Care reached out to Kabelo, to learn a little bit more about his journey into the Yoga Project, and what drives him.

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