News from World Spine Care

New GSCI Study Reveals High Prevalence of Spine Pain in Pimicikamak First Nation
A new study from the Global Spine Care Initiative reveals alarmingly high rates of neck and low back pain among Indigenous adults in northern Manitoba, highlighting the need for culturally-safe care. Community leaders call for increased healthcare resources and culturally sensitive approaches.

World Spine Care joins World Rehabilitation Alliance.
World Spine Care officially became a member focused on promoting rehabilitation as an essential health service that is integral to Universal Health Coverage and to the realization of Sustainable Development Goal 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.

World Spine Care Canada and Pimicikamak Okimawin announce a new collaborative project to improve access to spine care
World Spine Care Canada announce a new Global Spine Care Initiative project to reduce barriers to conservative spine care and minimize opioid exposure in Indigenous communities.

Dr. Patricia Tavares appointed to World Spine Care (Canada) Board of Directors
The board of directors recently voted to appoint Patricia Tavares, BSc., DC., FCCOS(C) (Canada) as a member of the board.

Volunteer from home as a communications committee member
Would you like to combine your skills in written communication and manual therapy? Are you interested in volunteering with a global leader in evidence-based, multidisciplinary spine care? Build your resume and improve your clinical communication by joining the World Spine Care Communications committee.
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