News from World Spine Care

SPINE20 Recommends Social Inclusion as a Key to Prevent and Management of Spinal Disability
Prof. André Bussières traveled to Rio de Janeiro in August to participate in the annual meeting for SPINE20, an international think tank dedicated to promoting spine care policy to the G20 countries. The results of the meeting were published as formal recommendations available for download at

Dr. André Bussières selected as SPINE20 Scientific Taskforce Co-Chair
The SPINE20 Scientific Taskforce has appointed Dr. André Bussières co-chair of the Implementation domain for the upcoming Annual Meeting in New Delhi, India this coming August.

World Spine Care joins SPINE20 Partner Society
World Spine Care, a non-profit organization registered in the USA, Canada, and the United Kingdom, was accepted as a partner society to SPINE20, an advocacy group working to recommend policies to improve spine care globally.
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